July 16, 2024

The 6 Best Display Ads Examples & What Makes Them Click-Worthy

Effective Display Ads

Display ads are one of the most popular forms of digital advertising. When done well, these visual-heavy ads can be used to raise brand awareness and gain customers. However, while they look deceptively simple, display ads can be difficult to execute effectively. By following best practices and performing some serious data analysis, you’ll be able to get the most out of your display ad campaigns. If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve rounded up some of the best display ad examples on the web for inspiration.

Find out how these stellar display ads used simple best practices to make their mark.

Table of Contents

What Are Display Ads

Display ads are a form of paid advertising that can be found on websites, apps, and social media. These ads come in several different formats and sizes, generally using a mixture of visual creative — either static images, GIFs, or video — and concise copy to get the message across.

Display Ad Pricing

Display Ads are typically priced on a CPM basis, meaning that advertisers pay for “impressions”, or when a target number of viewers see the ad. However, advertisers are moving towards a more beneficial pricing model in which they pay for conversions — clicking through the ad — rather than just impressions. When working with ad partners, advertisers should look for companies that offer performance-based pricing in order to stretch their marketing budget further.

Types of Display Ads

Though display ads can take many forms, these are the most popular formats:

  • Static: A single, unmoving image, generally accompanied by text.
  • Animated: Uses 5-10 seconds of looping video or GIF.
  • Interactive: Requires engagement from the viewer, such as answering a survey, playing a short game, or entering personal information.
  • Video: As the name suggests, video ads use self-contained videos to get their messages across. Unlike animated display ads, which only have a few seconds of footage, video ads are longer, though typically not longer than 30 seconds.
  • Expanding: Expanding display ads appear small at first and get bigger when the user performs a certain interaction, like clicking or scrolling the mouse cursor over them.

Where to Find Display Ads

These three big networks are responsible for the placement of the majority of display ads:

  • Google Display Network: Google provides a streamlined platform to help brands target their intended audiences. When using this network, be sure to keep the Google Display ad specs in mind. There are similar guidelines for Google ads video formats.
  • Facebook Audience Network: If you work in marketing, you’ve probably heard Google and Facebook referred to as the “duopoly,” and that’s just as true when it comes to display ads. Facebook Audience Network ads are designed to increase revenue with creative ad formats and measurement solutions.
  • Twitter Audience Platform: While Twitter’s platform isn’t quite the behemoth that Google and Facebook are, it’s still a major force in the world of display advertising. The Twitter Audience Platform boasts a reach of 700 million people, making it an effective network for display ads.

Best yellowHEAD Display Ads Example #1: Revolut

Display Ads Example 1: Revolut


  • Focus on the Product: The card is the focal point of the image, ensuring that viewers immediately understand what is being advertised.
  • Text Hierarchy:
    • The primary message “Save money while travelling the world” is prominent and easy to read. It clearly communicates the main benefit of the product.
    • The call-to-action “Download now” is clear and actionable.
  • App Store Buttons: The inclusion of the App Store and Google Play buttons makes it easy for users to understand where they can download the app, facilitating quick action.


  • Benefit-Oriented: The headline focuses on a key benefit – saving money while travelling. This is a strong selling point for frequent travellers who are likely to be cost-conscious.
  • Simplicity: The ad keeps the message simple and to the point. It doesn’t overwhelm the viewer with too much information.
  • Target Audience: The imagery and message are tailored to travellers, making it relevant and appealing to the intended audience.

Best yellowHEAD Display Ads Example #2: NewsGPT

Display Ads Example 2: NewsGPT

Design: AI imagery! 

  • Strong Visual Hierarchy:
    • The large rubber duck and Eiffel Tower background create a strong visual anchor.
    • The “BREAKING NEWS” banner at the bottom draws attention and mimics the style of news broadcasts, adding realism.
    • The “DON’T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ” stamp is bold and eye-catching, effectively delivering the core message.
  • Color Contrast:
    • The ad uses bright colors (yellow duck, red stamp) against a more subdued background to create contrast and highlight key elements.
    • The red and white text contrasts well against the darker and more colorful background, ensuring readability.


  • Call-to-Action: “Watch Free Now” provides a clear and immediate next step for viewers, encouraging them to engage with the News GPT platform.
  • Humor and Satire: The humorous approach to a serious topic (misinformation) makes the message more approachable and memorable.
  • Trust and Reliability: By highlighting the absurdity of the fake news headline, the ad positions News GPT as a reliable source for real news.

Best yellowHEAD Display Ads Example #3: Just Spices

Display Ads Example 3: Just Spices


  • The image of a grilled steak and fresh ingredients creates an appetite appeal, making the viewer imagine the delicious food they could make with the seasoning.
  • The scattering of spices and herbs around the can adds a sense of action and flavor explosion, reinforcing the product’s purpose.


  • Seasonal Relevance: By focusing on summer BBQs, the ad taps into a timely and relevant theme, likely resonating with viewers planning their summer activities.
  • Encourages Action: The “SHOP NOW” call-to-action is direct and encourages immediate engagement, driving traffic to purchase the product.

Best yellowHEAD Display Ads Example #4: Cantina Royale

Display Ads Example 4: Cantina Royale


  • Color Scheme: The use of vibrant colors, especially the gradient sky with shades of blue and purple, creates an engaging and dynamic background. The warm tones of the landscape complement the cool tones of the sky, making the overall visual aesthetically pleasing.
  • Characters: The characters are well-designed and visually appealing. They have distinct looks and are positioned in action poses, which conveys the game’s energetic and adventurous nature.

Layout and Composition: The composition is balanced, with characters in the foreground and a detailed background that adds depth to the visual. The headline is placed prominently at the top, and the CTA is well-positioned at the bottom.

Best yellowHEAD Display Ads Example #5: Dragon City

Display Ads Example 5: Dragon City


Creates a sense of anticipation and curiosity, encouraging viewers to stay engaged to find out more. The use of the word “exciting” adds a positive and engaging tone.


  • Main Visual: The cracked egg with a visible eye is very compelling. It immediately draws attention and conveys the message of something about to hatch, aligning perfectly with the headline.
  • Typography: The font choice is bold and playful, fitting well with the game’s theme. The combination of yellow and white text with a purple banner background makes it readable and eye-catching.

Best yellowHEAD Display Ads Example #6: Game of Thrones

Display Ads Example 6: Game of Thrones


  • Color Scheme: The use of black silhouettes against a light background creates a stark contrast that immediately draws attention to the dragons. The grayscale palette fits well with the Game of Thrones aesthetic, evoking a sense of mystery and fantasy.
  • Main Visual: The progression of dragon silhouettes visually conveys the idea of growth and evolution, aligning perfectly with the message of raising your own dragon. The use of arrows to indicate movement and transformation adds a dynamic element.

How to Find the Best Strategy for Your Brand

While the display ads shared above do use some consistent best practices, ultimately what works best for every brand is different. You can’t get a full picture of your strategy until you’ve conducted a thorough data-driven analysis of every creative element and its performance. From creative messaging to more nuanced factors like logo placement and imagery, data is the strongest indicator of what performs best with your audience. And when it comes to analyzing creative data, you can’t beat a reliable machine learning platform.

Ready to find the right combination of creative and functional formats for your display ads? Contact us to get started.

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