June 22, 2023

Google new AI search engine explained

What is Google SGE

In a nutshell

Google is constantly working on improving its search engine by using innovative advancements. One recent project Google is working on is the implementation of generative AI, which has resulted in a new search experience called Search Generative Experience (SGE). Although SGE is still being developed, it has the potential to significantly change the way we find information online.

Currently, SGE has the ability to revolutionize how we explore information on the internet. Instead of simply presenting a list of links, SGE can generate informative summaries, answer questions, and make the search process more efficient. This means we won’t have to scroll through irrelevant results as much and it will be easier to find the specific information we’re looking for.

In addition to SGE, Google AI is actively involved in Project MAGI, a research initiative focused on creating an extremely intelligent search engine. MAGI aims to understand our natural language queries and provide us with the most relevant information, even if the query doesn’t explicitly state what we’re looking for.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Google SGE

This innovative technology takes search results to a whole new level, providing comprehensive and detailed information like never before. There are two notable updates to Google Search that you need to know about.

First, the introduction of a fascinating feature called “Perspectives.” This feature offers users a fresh and diverse outlook on various topics, providing a more well-rounded understanding of the subject matter by sharing knowledge and information regarding a topic, from a real human perspective, suggesting personal experiences and takeaways of actual humans, sharing personal stories, tips, feedback, etc. This feature aims to improve the quality of authentic reviews provided by the search engine, by prioritizing first-hand experience, and reviews provided by individuals of true knowledge and experience in the reviewed field.

Secondly, Google is harnessing the power of generative AI to enhance search results. The aim is to make complex searches easier for users by offering concise information summaries that are also linked to more in-depth resources. This means you’ll get the key information you need right away, with the option to explore further if desired.

But that’s not all! Google has also made significant strides in online shopping with the integration of SGE. This cutting-edge technology has completely transformed the way users shop by providing a wealth of detailed product information all in one place. From the latest reviews and ratings to prices and product images, you’ll have everything you need to make well-informed purchasing decisions effortlessly.

Google’s objective with SGE is to enhance the shopping experience and empower users to find the perfect products with ease. So get ready to explore a whole new world of search possibilities and enjoy a seamless shopping journey like never before!

What type of AI is Google?

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, the development of machines and competitive systems with the ability to perform various sets of tasks that would typically require human intelligence.

AI basically aims to simulate human intelligence, by enabling machines to analyze, understand and respond to complex information, in order to enhance efficiency and productivity. AI can be found in various fields such as NLP (natural language processing), robotics, machine learning. etc.

What makes this truly unique in Google’s case, is its use of generative AI to take the search experience to a whole new level. The goal is to provide users with more comprehensive, personalized, and intricate search results by incorporating some cool features, such as prediction of the next steps in search, conversational mode, etc.

Google leverages generative AI to improve search outcomes. This means that the search engine will generate more detailed and informative results using this cutting-edge technology. It’s a game-changer that will revolutionize the way we interact with search queries, making it easier than ever to access the information we need efficiently.

What does the new Google search experience look like?

Google’s SGE comes with several notable characteristics that enhance the search experience:

  1. The AI-powered search engine utilizes a fantastic feature that provides users with a quick snapshot of key information. This means you can get the essential details without going through a long list of search results. It’s a time-saver, especially for complex search tasks.
  2. SGE goes beyond regular search capabilities by incorporating vertical search. This means it can offer specialized results that are tailored to specific domains or industries. By understanding the context of your search query and using AI algorithms, SGE delivers more relevant and targeted information. So you’ll find what you’re looking for faster and with greater accuracy.
  3. SGE introduces a cool feature called “Conversations.” It’s like having a natural language chat with the search engine. You can ask follow-up questions or seek further clarification, just like having a conversation with a knowledgeable friend. This interactive and conversational approach enhances user engagement and provides more personalized search results.

What is the difference between Google SGE and the traditional Google search engine?

The new Google Search Experience begins just like any usual Google search. Users enter their questions or keywords to find information. However, SGE offers some notable differences compared to the traditional Google search engine:

  1. In the traditional search engine, results are ordered according to Google’s PageRank algorithms, and there may be sponsored search results included. Through the utilization of SGE, a user’s query is processed by the PaLM LLM (Language Model) system. This AI-driven system produces a concise overview of essential information directly relevant to the user’s query.
  2. SGE additionally offers recommendations for subsequent actions and next steps, and provides supplementary related topics and questions frequently associated with the initial query. Unlike the traditional search engine, SGE can recall the user’s initial query and allows modifications without the need to retype the entire search term.
  3. With SGE, When a user selects one of the suggested next steps, they enter the conversational mode. In this mode, the search experience resembles interacting with an AI chatbot, similar to OpenAI’s ChatGPT or Google’s Bard. While in a conversational mode, users have the ability to seamlessly continue their exploration while retaining context from the original query. The system retrieves responses generated by PaLM and guides users toward web resources to access additional information.
  4. Within the new Google search experience, there is a possibility of encountering an AI-generated answer positioned above the search results listings. Google ensures transparency by clearly labeling this answer as an experimental feature of Generative AI. It is distinctly presented within a boxed format, providing users with immediate visibility.


  Traditional Google search engine Google SGE
Results order Results are ordered according to Google’s PageRank algorithms Results prioritized by personalized relevance according to language model processed query
Next steps No next steps are offered, modification to the search will require the retype of the query Recalls the user’s initial query, recommends subsequent actions and next steps
Conversational mode No conversational mode Conversational mode
AI Generated results No AI-powered snapshot AI-generated answers positioned above the search results listings

Google acknowledges the sources it utilized to generate the answer by citing the corresponding websites. “You’ll see an AI-powered snapshot of key information to consider, with links to dig deeper,” Google said.

Google Search Generative Experience Snapshot

Source: https://searchengineland.com/new-google-search-generative-ai-experience-413533

When you click the expand button to toggle to show a deeper response, you are given additional responses from the generative AI.

Online shopping with Google SGE

Google is putting a spotlight on shopping with its latest search experience. They’ve introduced the Shopping Graph, a powerful AI system that taps into a whopping 35 billion product listings. This impressive system keeps updating in real-time, gathering product information, reviews, and seller details.

Here’s the cool part: When you search for something to buy, the AI-powered snapshot pops up, showing you relevant product information right off the bat. It’s like having a personalized shopping assistant at your fingertips! Not only that, but it also offers suggestions for other queries you can explore to dive deeper into your search for that perfect product.

How does Google Search Generative Experience work?

In regards to technology, Google has recently introduced an enhanced search experience that integrates multiple language models like MUM and PaLM2. This new search experience has been meticulously trained by Google to execute various tasks associated with Search, such as identifying reliable web results that substantiate the provided information.

During an interview, Liz Reid, VP of Search at Google, mentioned that Google doesn’t aim to provide answers for all types of queries. The company is being cautious with this new version of Google Search, particularly when it comes to displaying answers for safer inquiries. For instance, Google will refrain from showing an answer to a question about administering Tylenol to a child due to its medical nature. Similarly, answers to queries in the financial field might also not be displayed.

This cautious approach aligns with Google’s focus on safety, especially in the “Your Money, Your Life” (YMYL) categories. In fact, Google is expanding YMYL to encompass civic information as well. Google explained that just as its ranking systems are designed to avoid showing potentially harmful or offensive content, the new search experience, called SGE, is also designed to exclude such content from its responses. Google emphasized that it holds this search experience to an even higher standard, particularly when providing responses related to critical information.

Google informed that this new search experience places significant importance on generating informative responses that are supported by reliable sources. In instances where Google’s systems have lower confidence in their responses due to data voids or information gaps, Google aims to avoid generating an AI-powered snapshot.

When it comes to the style of responses, Liz Reid mentioned that people tend to trust answers that are presented in a more fluid manner. However, Google prioritizes providing factual answers over fluid ones, as factual responses are more likely to gain users’ trust. Google acknowledged the challenge of avoiding false or inaccurate information, especially in YMYL topics like health and finance, as it is committed to maintaining the trust people place in its search results.

Google outlined a five-point approach to generative AI in search:

Google has some key priorities when it comes to enhancing the search experience:

  1. Streamlined experience: Google wants to make searching easier for users by reducing the number of steps required to accomplish their tasks or goals. The aim is to create a seamless and fluid experience.
  2. High-quality information: Google places a strong emphasis on providing information of high quality. The AI’s responses should be top-notch, especially when it comes to health or financial-related queries.
  3. Safety considerations: Google carefully evaluates whether it should provide first-person responses and ensures that the fluid answers it offers can be trusted to be 100% accurate. Even when Google cannot verify all the answers, maintaining accuracy is a priority.
  4. Supporting the ecosystem: Google values content sources and aims to give credit and traffic to them. The goal is to design an experience that encourages users to explore these sources further and find valuable information.
  5. Relevant ads: Google is constantly exploring how ads can be relevant and offer additional information to users. They carefully consider the best way to display ads within this new search experience, keeping user experience in mind.

In a nutshell, Google’s focus is on making search seamless, providing high-quality information, ensuring safety and accuracy, supporting content sources, and delivering relevant ads. It’s all about enhancing the search experience and helping users find what they need efficiently.

How will the new Google SGE impact SEO?

AI is shaking up the world of SEO, bringing both positive and negative impacts. On the bright side, AI-powered content creation is helping businesses improve efficiency and optimize their SEO efforts.

However, the concern is, that this focus on optimization may lead to lower content quality, as marketers prioritize pleasing search engines over providing genuine value to readers. The recommendation on our end remains the same as it was prior to the AI generation – Create valuable content for users, not for Google. BUT – investigate the way this content is being analyzed by the new SGE to understand what is considered valuable to your reader.

Another area where we will feel the impact of the AI, is personalized search results. AI algorithms are now driving tailored content for specific audiences, ensuring that users receive results that are relevant to their needs. As AI-powered voice assistants gain popularity, optimizing for voice search is becoming crucial. Additionally, predictive analytics, powered by AI, provide valuable insights that inform content creation and optimization strategies.

ChatGPT, an AI chatbot, has also made its presence felt in the SEO landscape. It offers instant customer support and collects valuable user data, enhancing the overall user experience. AI has undeniably brought positive effects to SEO, enabling more accurate search results and improving user satisfaction.

However, there are challenges to consider. The use of AI tools may result in a potential decrease, and even loss of understanding of the new ranking factor, as algorithms determine the new standards of the visibility of content. Competition has also intensified due to the widespread adoption of AI tools in SEO.
Despite these challenges, it’s clear that AI is not going anywhere and will continue to play a prominent role in the SEO industry. As technology evolves, SEO professionals will need to adapt their strategies and strike a balance between optimization and delivering valuable content to users. It’s an exciting time for SEO, as AI opens up new possibilities and challenges us to stay ahead of the game.

How should a business adjust itself to the Google SGE?

The arrival of AI-generated answers and the ability to find user-generated content will bring significant changes to businesses. B2C companies, in particular, may see a decrease in search traffic as AI-generated content replaces the need for traditional informational articles. On the other hand, the implications for B2B companies are less certain and require close attention.

For B2B companies, it’s essential to closely monitor their organic search performance in light of these developments. They should also explore alternative channels for content generation, such as leveraging social media platforms like Reddit and TikTok. Being an early adopter of new features and technologies can potentially give them a competitive edge in the evolving landscape.

Adjusting content calendars and focusing on creating unique, high-quality pillar content can also help mitigate the impact of AI-generated answers. By providing valuable and distinctive content that goes beyond what AI can generate, B2B companies can still carve out their space in search results.

In general, B2B companies that proactively adapt, closely monitor the situation, and make targeted adjustments are likely to navigate these SEO changes more effectively than other sectors. It’s crucial to stay agile and responsive in the face of evolving technologies and search trends.

SEO, AKA Personalization – Optimizing under SGE

AI has revolutionized the world of SEO, particularly through the introduction of personalized search results. With the help of AI algorithms, search engines now have the ability to analyze user data like search history, location, and behavior, enabling them to deliver customized search results. This shift has prompted a change in SEO strategies, moving away from traditional, generic content optimization, towards creating tailored experiences for specific target audiences.

The understanding and ranking of search results by search engines have been transformed by AI technology. Personalization has become a crucial aspect of modern SEO, ensuring that users access search results specifically curated to their individual preferences and needs, while measuring content reliability in new ways that assure the user is being served with authentic, true information, coming from trusted resources..

Conversational search results powered by AI chatbots are gaining significant prominence. These chatbots effectively address search queries in a conversational manner, elevating the overall user experience.

AI generative models, especially when trained on custom data, hold tremendous potential for content creation. For instance, Mike King developed an AI chatbot that utilized context-limited content from the iPullRank agency website, showcasing the capabilities of AI in generating high-quality content.

As technology continues to advance, customers increasingly crave personalized experiences. It is crucial for businesses to explore innovative ideas, such as harnessing chatbots, to deliver personalized search results and enhance user experiences within the realm of SEO. By embracing these advancements, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and meet the evolving expectations of their audience.

How should I prepare for the launch of the Google SGE in terms of SEO?

While the specific criteria for selecting sources in the Google SGE is still unknown, there are some actions to consider if you’re already following SEO best practices.

  1. Focus on E-E-A-T (Expertise-Experience-Authority-Trustworthiness) and back up your information with official and trusted sources. If you have access to local sources, even better. Instead of relying solely on your official website, the AI-driven summaries in SGE often extract data from three to five publisher websites. The search engine aims to present users with the most reliable sources.
  2. Think predictive and be descriptive in your content. Provide unique value that goes beyond just product listings. With SGE, search results now include additional information such as considerations when buying a product or maintenance tips. Make sure your landing pages offer that additional value and allow for a seamless flow of information.
  3. Optimize for voice search as AI-driven voice assistants gain popularity. Prioritize voice search optimization to accommodate the rise of conversational search interfaces. This may involve optimizing content specifically for voice search and catering to queries expressed in natural, everyday spoken language.
  4. Move away from generic keywords and focus on hyper-specific, long-tail queries. While conducting keyword research is still valuable, it’s crucial to understand your customers’ needs, concerns, and search behavior when looking for products or services similar to yours. This knowledge will help you create relevant content that resonates effectively with your target audience.
  5. Consider personalization in your content strategy. Perform an in-depth analysis of your users, and understand the different segmentations, pillars, and types of needs they have. Develop content that deeply connects with diverse target demographics, ensuring a personalized experience for your audience.

By considering these actions, you can better adapt to the changes brought by the Google SGE and enhance your SEO efforts to provide valuable and relevant content to your users.


How does Google SGE ensure the quality of the search results?

yellowHEAD expert: Google recognizes the challenges that come with using generative AI and large language models (LLMs) for search results. To maintain the quality and reliability of the information presented, they have implemented various precautions. One important measure is placing restrictions on the types of queries that showcase the capabilities of these models. This is done to ensure that the search results remain trustworthy and accurate, providing users with reliable information they can depend on. Google’s commitment to upholding the integrity of search results is evident in the safeguards they have put in place.

Can I use the Google Search Generative Experience?

yellowHEAD expert: Currently, the SGE feature is in the experimental stage and is accessible through Search Labs. Users in the United States can give it a try by using Chrome desktop or the Google App on Android and iOS devices. It’s worth mentioning that the interface is currently offered exclusively in English. Although its availability is limited, the SGE feature provides users with a glimpse of the exciting possibilities that lie ahead in search technology.

What will the Google AI search engine look like?

yellowHEAD expert: Google uses artificial intelligence (AI) to generate answers that appear at the top of the search results page. These AI-generated responses come with citations from the websites that were used as sources to generate the answer. This approach helps users identify the specific websites that contributed to the response, promoting transparency and providing clarity on the information presented.

What is Google’s Project Magi?

yellowHEAD expert: Project Magi is an exciting AI-powered search project being developed by Google. It is designed to be a feature within the search engine that aims to elevate users’ search experience by providing personalized results tailored to their specific needs. As users engage with the system, it learns their preferences and queries, enabling it to generate customized lists of preselected options for various purposes like shopping, research, and accessing relevant information. Currently, Project Magi’s features are available exclusively in the United States.

If you’re interested in delving deeper into the Google Search Generative Experience or seeking professional assistance to manage and optimize your SEO endeavors, the yellowHEAD team of SEO experts is here to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today and discover how we can collaborate to elevate your search engine optimization strategies. Contact us now for an enhanced SEO experience!

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